American Pistachio Growers is helping consumers eat healthier by proudly bearing the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check on their product. The iconic Heart-Check helps take the guesswork out when reading nutrition facts and label information, which gives consumers peace of mind that what they are consuming meets the nutritional requirements of the American Heart Association.
About the Heart-Check
The American Heart Association® takes the health and wellness of all Americans to heart. That’s why, more than 20 years ago, the American Heart Association® established the Heart-Check. It gives consumers an easy, reliable way to identify heart-healthy foods that can be part of a sensible eating plan. Nearly 900 products that bear the Heart-Check have been screened and verified by the association to meet their criteria for heart-healthy foods. To learn more about the Heart-Check certification, and to see a complete list of certified products and participating companies and the nutritional criteria, visit
APG PROCESSORS - Promote your American pistachios with the Heart-Check Advantage
72,000,000 adults in the U.S. are using the Heart-Check mark to help them identify healthy foods in their grocery store.1
67% who purchase Heart-Check certified products actively seek them out on a regular basis.2
66% believe that foods with the Heart-Check mark are good for the heart and are heart-healthy.2
The Heart-Check Brand Activation Guide is a valuable reference to determine how and where to promote your Heart- Check certification. The guide provides templated materials for marketing, social media and media relations as well as general promotional tips and resources. To view or download the "Heart-Check Brand Activation Guide” click here.
The Heart-Check Food Certification Program has clearly defined graphic standards that must be followed. The Heart-Check Brand & Style User Guide includes those graphic standards and information about packaging and promotions. To view or download the "Heart-Check Brand & Style User Guide" click here.
1Healthy Living Rewards Concept Test Report – May 2016
2Foodminds – Strategic Intent (Round ½)