American Pistachio Growers Welcomes Five New Board Members
2025 APG board includes three newly elected members, two appointees to fill vacancies
FRESNO, CA – American Pistachio Growers (APG) welcomes five new board members for 2025. Three new board members were announced at the January board meeting following the tabulation of written ballots in accordance with the written ballot procedures in the APG bylaws. Two other members have been appointed to fill vacancies on the APG board for the coming year.
The three newly elected board members are Mojgan Amin of Yazd, LP, Brian Ezell of Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella Inc., Rebecca Kaser of Avellar-Moore Farms, and Michael Woolf of Mike Woolf Farming Company.
Two board members were appointed by the approved board process to finish terms of vacated seats. Doenitz Lopez of Ingleby Eriksson, LLC was appointed at the November 2024 board of directors meeting, and Adam Kusmak of Tularosa Pistachio Groves (New Mexico) was appointed during the January 2025 board meeting. They will serve the remaining terms of their respective seats.
“My team and I are excited to welcome the new board members to American Pistachio Growers,” said Zachary Fraser, President and CEO of American Pistachio Growers. “We look forward to working together to bring the next phase of American Pistachio Growers to new heights and involvement in terms of grower outreach, government affairs and marketing success.”
Reelected to serve second terms on the APG board were William Bourdeau of Bourdeau Farms, LLC and Paul Huckabay of Keenan Farming Company. At the January 2025 board meeting, APG Board Chair Rich Kreps acknowledged the contributions of five outgoing board members --- Ali Amin, Raj Kahlon, Asha Munger, Gary Smith and Jim Zion.
“These members have served APG’s membership with honor and distinction,” said Kreps. “We are gratified for their volunteer leadership and for helping to guide our organization during their terms of service.”
Contact: Rajina Kahlon
(559) 939-4591

American Pistachio Growers