Monday, January 10, 2022

The lights, the trees, the jingle-jangle—it can only mean one thing!  Diet culture and the weight-loss industry are poised to pounce as the seconds tick down to 2022, leaving positive body image, mental health and hard-earned money in its wake.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Studies have investigated the effect pistachio nuts specifically have during pregnancy on gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Assaf-Balut et al. conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled trial (San Carlos Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Prevention Study) to evaluate the incidence of GDM with either a control diet (standard diet with limited fat intake) or a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil and pistachios. One thousand normoglycemic (
Friday, August 7, 2020
In the early 2000s, Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow, and a team of demographers, anthropologists and researchers identified five areas around the world that had the highest concentration of centenarians and coined the term “Blue Zones” to describe these five regions.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Roasted American pistachios joined soy, quinoa, and buckwheat to be classified as a complete protein source that provides all nine essential amino acids in adequate amounts for people 5 years and older. The terms “complete” and “incomplete,” as it pertains to protein, have been used to describe a variety of protein foods, specifically when referring to vegetarian, vegan and plant-based diets.
Thursday, December 12, 2019

To a sports dietitian, nothing says “the holidays are here” like the sound of athletes pleading for a cheat code to holiday eating.  From sweet to savory or appetizer to dessert, food brings family and friends together to celebrate with gratitude for one another and the kindness in their hearts.