Having Problems Sleeping? Eat American Pistachios

Melatonin, often sold as a sleep aide, is a hormone made in the body that regulates the biological clock and controls the wake and sleep cycle. It is sold as a nutritional supplement that can be purchased over the counter and is present in many foods and at different levels. The melatonin content of American pistachios was analyzed at Louisiana State University and found to contain about 660 nanograms of melatonin per gram of pistachio, more than all fruits and vegetables that have been analyzed. Researchers also indicated that melatonin and other proteins and enzymes present in pistachios, which work together, may be good for the management of type 2 diabetes.

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Friday, March 22, 2024
Mexico market media outlets continue to SHARE health and wellbeing content including The Pistachio Academy (Academia Cocina Vital), APG’s digital educational space featuring indulgent and healthy recipes, positioning California Pistachios as an amazing and nutritious snack!