Pistachio-dusted Roast Salmon with A Light Honey Glaze
By Chef Jesse Brune
10 ounces Fresh Atlantic salmon
½ tablespoons Olive oil (optional)
1 tablespoon Raw honey
⅛ cup Pistachios, finely crushed and chopped
Salt and pepper
*To save time, buy the salmon scaled and deboned.
Preheat your oven to about 375° F. Cut salmon in half to make two 5-ounce pieces.
If your salmon has skin still attached, leave it on to lock in extra moisture. Gently drizzle olive oil on salmon, leaving an extremely light coat. Lightly season with salt and pepper.
Pour honey over salmon halves and gently rub honey into meat using the back of a spoon.
Spread chopped pistachios over flat surface of plate and place glazed portion of the fish onto the pistachios, generously covering surface. Place pistachio-covered salmon into an oven-safe dish or on a cookie sheet lined with foil. Place in heated oven for 10 minutes or until done (shouldn’t take more than 12 minutes max). To make sure the salmon is done, gently press surface of fish with a fork. There should be a firm bounce.

American Pistachio Growers