Pistachio Cinnamon Swirl Bread
12 ounces American pistachios, finely chopped
2 Cakes compressed yeast
1/3 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Warm water
1 1/2 cups Warm milk
2 Large eggs
1 1/2 tablespoons Salt
2 ounces Sweet butter, softened
4 to 5 1/2 cups All-purpose flour
Swirl Mixture:
3 ounces Sweet butter, softened
2 tablespoons Ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoons Allspice
1/4 teaspoons Cloves
4 teaspoons Light brown sugar
In large mixing bowl, combine flour, pistachios, sugar, yeast and warm water on low speed using dough hook attachment. Add warm milk, eggs, butter, then salt. Knead by machine for 6-8 minutes, adding enough flour to prevent dough from being sticky. Knead by hand 1-2 minutes and place in covered, lightly oiled bowl and allow to double, about 1 hour. Punch down and allow to double again. Press dough into two 9 x 15-inch rectangles. Spread swirl mixture over dough and roll up in spiral fashion from the 9-inch side. Place in buttered pans and place in preheated 425˚F. oven for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350˚ F. and continue baking for 20 minutes. Cool on rack before slicing.

American Pistachio Growers